Sunday, July 5, 2015

Top 3 Reasons to Snack!

Snacks: sometimes they're so delicious, we can't stop. I know when I get my hands on some Trader Joe's Baconesque popcorn, I will eat the whole bag. Yes, some snacks have earned a bad rep for being unhealthy, full of calories or full of unnecessary fats. But, sometimes, you need them. Here's why:

1. Your students probably haven't had anything to eat today. Whether we want to believe it or not, sometimes our students haven't eaten by the time they see us. I know of a handful of students whose sole food source is our school. So, healthier snacks like: granola bars, lower-calorie crackers, etc., may be helpful for them.

2. If your student is crabby, it might be because they're hungry. I have lost count of the amount of students who are cranky and spout off an attitude purely because they're hungry. While some are polite enough to ask for a snack, some unfortunately are not. But, if there's ever a cranky kid in your midst, a snack might just deter their attitude.

3.  Snacks are like a gold star. If you spontaneously provide a snack, students feel like you care for their best interests. Of course, they'll never tell you. But, one of the things I strive for is to make school feel safe. This might just be the only safe place your students attend for the day. So, providing a snack is an extra special way to make them feel safe and cared about.

Can you think of any more reasons to snack? Let me know in the comments section below!

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