Sunday, May 3, 2015

Welcome Your New Students with a Welcome Letter!

In my teacher prep classes, there was one phrase that always stuck out to me:

Students perform for who they love.

If they love themselves, they will perform their best. If students love their parents, they will try to impress them. If they love their friends, teachers, tutors, pastors, etc., they will try to perform their best for those people.

Students crave performing their best for someone. It gives them purpose. So, what happens when a student doesn't love anyone? Not even themselves? That's the attitude you want to nip in the bud from the very beginning. Give your your students the structured environment that allows them to express themselves and get to know you while you get to know them. 

Provide them with a welcome letter on their very first day. This letter will set the tone for the rest of their time in independent studies. You can also provide pertinent information like:
  • contact information
  • a little bit about yourself and your life
  • school rules
  • their appointment time and hours.
See the attached link for a sample welcome letter!

What else can you add to your welcome letter?

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