Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Calling all Independent Studies Teachers!


I've been an Independent Studies teacher for over two years now. In all this time, I have found a wealth of information for traditional high school teachers, but not a lot for Independent Studies teachers.

The thing is that Independent Studies teachers and their students already have the odds stacked up against them. Most likely, your students couldn't make it in a traditional high school setting. They were on the verge of dropping out for reasons that feel out of their control. When they sign up with you as a new student, their self-confidence is most likely already broken. They may feel like failures before they even meet you.

Consider this blog your resource bank, a place where you can get ideas to run your classroom successfully; a place where you can get the tools to lead your students to success. They need you and you need them.

Thank you for tuning in and enjoy!

Ms. Ling.